Heichal HaTorah Parent-Teacher Conference
Teaneck, NJ
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to the Heichal HaTorah Parent-Teacher Conference scheduling system. Please select the teachers you would like to meet with:

You will be asked to select the event and then enter your names and email. The system will then send you a link to choose your appointment time(s). From that link you may add or change times.

PTC with Dr. Ariel Klein
PTC with Mr. Ashraaf Elsayed
PTC with Mr. Carlos Burgos
PTC with Mr. Charles Galligan
PTC with Dr. David Roher
PTC with Mrs. Deniera Goldenberg
PTC with Mrs. Esther Herzfeld
PTC with Mr. Francis Arcede
PTC with Mr. Frank Avella
PTC with Mr. Herbert Plummer
PTC with Mr. Ian Zellman
PTC with Dr. Joel Berman
PTC with Mr. Joseph Pitre
PTC with Dr. Joshua Strulowitz
PTC with Mr. Matt D'Antuono
PTC with Mr. Michael Binazeski
PTC with Mr. Richard Braden
PTC with Mr. Robert Friedman
PTC with Mrs. Valerie Mattessich
PTC with Mr Alexander Vinik
PTC with Dr Martin Lebowitz
PTC with Rabbi Alec Goldstein
PTC with Rabbi Aryeh Stechler
PTC with Rabbi Aryeh Westreich
PTC with Rabbi Avi Heller
PTC with Rabbi Chaim Marcus (Unable to Attend)
PTC with Rabbi Chaim Siff
PTC with Rabbi Chayim Gerson
PTC with Rabbi Dani Staum
PTC with Rabbi Daniel Schwechter
PTC with Rabbi Dovid Goldman
PTC with Rabbi Dovid Komet
PTC with Rabbi Eli Zakutinsky (Unable to Attend)
PTC with Rabbi Jason Finkelstein
PTC with Rabbi Menashe Mazurek
PTC with Rabbi Michoel Parnes
PTC with Rabbi Mordechai Reiss
PTC with Rabbi Pesach Skulnick
PTC with Rabbi Ronen Dvash
PTC with Rabbi Yaakov Mintz
PTC with Rabbi Yitzchak Reichman
PTC with Rabbi Yitzy Rozenberg
PTC with Rav Avi Epstien
PTC with Rav Avi Rosalimsky