Little Canada, MN
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to the AFSA Elementary parent-teacher conferences scheduling system.

Conferences for grades PreK-6 will be available on Thursday, January 30th and Friday, January 31st (no school for students.)

Conferences will be 15 minutes long.

Please select the teachers you want to see below.

Please sign up with your child's homeroom teacher. Students are welcome at conferences and are included in the planning to have items to present to their parents/guardians. Any additional specialists or teachers can also be scheduled, but the homeroom teacher should be the first one you visit with as they will have comprehensive information about your child.

Appointment times are separated into "In-person" or "Virtual" times. Please select a time based on the method in which you'd like to attend. If you select an in-person time, virtual will not be available (and vice-versa.) If you select a Virtual appointment, the link will be sent to you prior to your appointment time by your selected teacher.

You may check who your child’s teachers are in PowerSchool. For help scheduling grades PreK-6 call 612-260-2662.

Sorry, no times are available now. Please contact us if you have any questions.