Berkshire High School
Burton, OH
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to the Berkshire High School parent teacher conference scheduling system.

Please select your conference (or conferences) below, then press "Submit".

You will be asked to select the event and then enter your names and email. The system will then send you a link to choose your appointment time(s). From that link you may add or change times.

Beebe, Earl
Eppler, Sean
Franks, Stephanie
Alvord, Amy
Ard, Michael
Bakalar, Brittany
Bomback, Hannah
Deweese, Josh
Guthrie, Megan
Guthrie, Richard
Hadsell, Matt
Higgs, Eric
Hunter, Lynn
Johnston, Chad
Keller, Emmett
Kempert, Kelsey
Kleinhenz, Carrie
Koler, Maria
Maske, Carey
Mason, Oliver
Moore, Shannon
Paluf, Michelle
Prots, Joan
Rea, Tracy
Riley-Farrow, Meghan
Ritts, Katie
Russell, Kristy
Ryks, Tara
Valenti, Brianne
Zusy, Rachel