Lincoln Middle School
Cottage Grove, OR
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to Lincoln Middle School!

Parent Teacher conferences are Monday November 25th and Tuesday November 26th.

Conferences are 10 minutes long. Students are welcome to attend with their parent(s).

To schedule a conference, start by selecting the teacher(s) you wish to meet with. PTCFast will send you an email with a link to pick times with the teachers you have selected. You will meet with teachers individually, so please don't select two teachers at the same time. If the teacher you would like to meet with has a full schedule be sure to email with them directly about another opportunity to meet.

Once you select your time, PTCFast will send you a second email confirming your time. TIP: Sometimes the PTCFast e-mails are directed to your spam(junk) folder. Please call the office, 541-942-3316, if you have any questions.

Excited to see everyone on Nov. 25th & 26th

Sorry, no times are available now. Please contact us if you have any questions.