Little Miami High School
Morrow, OH
Conference Scheduler

Welcome to the Little Miami High School parent teacher conference scheduling system.

Please select your conference (or conferences) below, then press "Submit".

You will be asked to select the event and then enter your names and email. The system will then send you a link to choose your appointment time(s). From that link you may add or change times.

Anspach (science) Room 1205
Baker (choir) Room 1420
Barnett (IT) Room 2302
Bedinghaus (math) Room 2211
Begley (social studies) Room 2234
Bentley (special education) Room 1308
Blanchard (science) Room 2202
Brown (social studies) Room 2232
Carter (business) Room 1236
Cole (English) Room 2227
Cook, Jaclyn (English) Room 2246
Cook, Jen (Spanish) Room 1247
Corradini (science) Room 1206
Craig (math) Room 1213
Dafoe (French) Room 1220
DeSanctis (DMA) Room 1230
Dunigan Room 1245
Dyer (special education) Room 2223
Faulkner (special education) Room 1241
Ford (science) Room 2203
Frith (Health/PE/Fitness) Room 1306
Fruhwirth (social studies) Room 1250
Gould Room 1223
Gray (science) Room 2233
Griffin (math) Room 1242
Haire (science) Room 2210
Hatton (English) Room 2220
Hiegl (social studies) Room 2230
Hobbs (English ) Room 2250
Hornbarger Room 1230
Jones (health/PE/kinesiology) 1307
Kajfasz (English) Room 2248
Kalsey (English) Room 2307
Karrasch (Spanish) Room 1248
Koterba (PE/yoga) Gymnasium 1504
Kummer Room 2243
Lockhart (special education) Room1225
Lovins (math) Room 1215
Lyke, Jen (English) Room 2225
Lyke, Wayne (English) Room 1410
Lynch (math) Room 1214
Madden (English) Room 2222
Maupin (social studies) Room 2245
McIntyre (social studies) Room 2236
McWilliams (special education) Room 1203
Monceaux (art) Room 1223
Mupati (science) Room 1210
O'Neill Room 1249
Olivencia (social studies) Room 2305
Pam Hobbs
Parker (transition) Room 1232
Peterson (AFJROTC) Room 1415
Robinson (music) Room 1421
Schafer (Spanish) Room 1246
Schultz (social studies) Room 2239
Seither Room 1248
Shuler (science) Room 2206
Skidmore (social studies) Room 2306
Smith, Tabitha (band) Room 1416
Stamper (special education) Room 1303
Stein (social studies) Room 2247
Sule (art) Room 2241
Terrell (art) Room 1221
Thomas (engineering) Room 2242
Walsh (math) Room 2212
West (math) Room 1212
Wilson (science) Room 2205
Winkler (math) Room 2214
Woodruff, Casey (business) Room 1224
Woodruff, Stephanie (math) Room 1211
Young (math) Room 2213
Zawodny (math) Room 2215