Welcome to the Merrimack Middle School Parent Teacher Conference scheduler.
MMS will offer an in-person meeting date and a virtual/Zoom meeting date. Please only select ONE
Thursday, November 16th
7th Grade: In-Person
8th Grade: Virtual/Zoom
Monday, November 20th
7th Grade: Virtual/Zoom
8th Grade: In-Person
Team teachers will meet in pairs. Please only select ONE PAIR to conference with.
Below, please select the conference you wish to sign up for and click submit. You will be prompted to enter your student's information to register. You will then receive an email with a link to select a conference time. If no conference times are available, please reach out to the teams or teachers directly for an alternate meeting time.
Sorry, no times are available now. Please contact us if you have any questions.
If you have already registered this semester, please do NOT register again. You should have received an email with a link to select a time. Use that link, or click on the link below: