Using Tickets


A ticket is used to "pay" for one conference for one semester. Tickets are typically purchased by a school or district and distributed to staff and teachers.  Each has a Ticket # and Passcode, which are entered on the Billing page.


To redeem a ticket, you must first have created the conference you wish to apply it to.  Make sure you do not have multiple conferences in your account with the same names.  From your Manage Conference page, click on "Go to Billing".  There, select the last option, "Enter Enter Ticket# and Passcode for a prepaid ticket provided to you by your school"


After clicking on "Enter a Ticket#...", the software looks at your conferences. If you only have one, it assumes the ticket is for that conference.  If you have more than one, you will see a list of your conferences and need to select one. 

Be sure to choose the correct one since the ticket is applied to the conference, not the whole account.

It then asks for the Ticket# and Passcode and will validate they are correct. 

If your Ticket# ends in "GB", you're done.  Otherwise, the final step is to pick the semester you want to apply the ticket to.

Note: if you inadvertently consume a ticket for the wrong conference, the simplest solution is to delete or modify the Time Blocks and re-use that conference.  You can change your conference name by clicking on the "Edit conference name, grade level, teacher login" link on your Manage Conference page.

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